Princess Grace Award winners and Honoraria recipients are eligible to apply for all continuing grants. You are eligible to apply for these continuing grants even if you have already received a Princess Grace Statue Award.
You may apply for multiple grants in the same year, but the grant applications should be for separate projects. You may not apply for multiple grants with the same project or different components of the same project.
No. Once you received a scholarship, apprenticeship, or fellowship you are no longer eligible to apply for an Award in any of these categories. For example: if you received a Theater Scholarship as a student, you are not eligible to apply for a Scholarship, Apprenticeship or Fellowship in either Theater, Dance or Film. Instead we offer Princess Grace Award winners continuing grant opportunities in these categories: Special Projects, Artist Fellowship, and Professional Development.
Special Project grants are selected by a multi-disciplinary panel of experts as well as Arts Advisory Council members. They review written material in advance of coming together to view materials and discuss applicants.
Artist Fellowship grants are selected by members of the Arts Advisory Council. They review written material in advance of coming together to view materials and discuss applicants.
Professional Development Grants are selected by the Arts Advisory Council Chair and the President. Applications are evaluated and discussed via email.
The Arts Advisory Council (AAC) is a voluntary board who assist in overseeing the Princess Grace Awards grants program. Members are experts and leaders in their artistic fields and help the Foundation develop funding that is responsive to the needs of the artistic community. The AAC Chair leads this team of professionals and serves as a liaison member of the Board of Trustees.
Statue Award winners are selected internally by the Arts Advisory Council; there is no formal application for the Statue Awards. However, to be considered, you MUST be in contact with the Foundation. Only previous Princess Grace Award winners are eligible. Honoraria recipients are not eligible to be considered.
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