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Mentorship and Financial Support for Early Career Artists and Artists in Artistic Transition


Established in 2025
Grant Amount: $11,100 + Participation in MAP Fund’s Scaffolding for Practicing Artists
4 Selected Artists

    • A new partnership with the MAP Fund’s Scaffolding for Practicing Artists (SPA), the Princess Grace Artist Fellowship pairs direct financial support with participation in SPA’s innovative coaching program.
    • The Princess Grace Artist Fellow is matched with an experienced coach for one year through SPA and engages in one-on-one coaching over a period of 12 months (up to 7 sessions).
    • The Princess Grace Artist Fellow also attends a two-day facilitated virtual experience where participants in SPA coach each other.
    • Princess Grace Artist Fellows receive a $10,000 unrestricted cash grant from the Princess Grace Foundation and a $1,100 stipend from MAP Fund to compensate for their time participating in SPA.


    • Early career artists who received their Princess Grace Award or Honoraria within the last five (5) years, defined for the 2025 grant cycle as receiving their Award between 2024 – 2019.
      • Artists who received their Award or Honoraria prior to 2019, must make a case that they are still an early career artist.
    • Princess Grace Award winners or Honoraria experiencing a major artistic career transition such that they are experiencing similar challenges and aspirations as an early career artist (i.e., dancer to choreographer, actor to director, etc.)
    • This is a one-time opportunity. An artist may apply as many times as they like. However, once they receive the grant, they are unable to apply again.
    • Princess Grace Award winners and Honoraria recipients can receive 2 Advancement grants (Special Project, Princess Grace Artist Fellowship) within a 5-year period. This does not include your initial Award or Statue Award and does not include Professional Development grants. This guideline was implemented in 2021 and does not apply to annual grant funding before 2021.

The grant was developed for early career artists or artists in major artistic transition. It is not intended to support mid-career artists or artists who are experiencing artistic shifts within their current practice.


SPA’s Coaching is a creative, collaborative endeavor to address overall goals, specific projects, or general conditions in your life or profession. It is holistic, asset-based, generative, and future-facing. The artist will play a crucial role in co-designing the coaching container. Coaching services may include setting priorities, establishing goals, identifying resources and strategies, brainstorming, creating action plans, asking questions, and making direct requests, among other things. Coaching is not advice, counseling, or therapy.

    • Coaching: Up to 7 sessions of 45-90 minutes
    • Gathering: 2-day, virtual. MAP requests that the artist complete at least 4 coaching sessions to attend.
    • Scheduling: Artist agrees to be proactive in scheduling coaching sessions with their coach.
    • Communication: Artist agrees to communicate in a clear and timely manner with their coach, and MAP Staff. If an artist does not communicate with the coach for more than 2 months, MAP Staff will initiate contact to determine if the artist wishes to continue.
    • Forfeiture of Sessions: Save for one “freebie,” the artist agrees that a coaching session will be forfeited if an artist cancels a session with less than 24-hours notice, or if an artist does not show up to a session and gives no notice. *Exceptions will be made for natural disasters, emergencies, and sudden illnesses.
    • Commitment: Artist understands that coaching is organic and commits to actively collaborate with their coach to set expectations and goals.
    • The roster of SPA’s coaches can be viewed here.


We encourage you to review the Artist Agreement before applying. 


Recipients receive a $10,000 unrestricted cash grant from the Princess Grace Foundation and a $1,100 stipend from MAP Fund to compensate for their time participating in SPA.


Applications are reviewed by a multidisciplinary panel of Arts Advisory Council members.


    1. Completed application in Submittable
    2. Case Statement: Describe your current career challenges and aspirations and how participating in MAP Fund’s SPA would benefit you. (Up to 1,000 words)
    3. Transition Statement, if applicable: Artists who received their award prior to the eligible Award years and/or artists experiencing a major career transition, should submit a transition statement. (Up to 1,000 words)
        • Early Career Artists: Use this section to detail why you consider yourself an early career artist.
        • Artists Experiencing Artistic Transition: Use this section to detail your career transition.
    4. Resume: Not to exceed 4 pages; minimum font 12pt; 1” margins.

Deadline: May 15

Applications are accepted via Submittable.

During the application process, you will receive emails from Submittable. The email comes from and will likely go to junk/spam. Please make sure to check those folders for any communications.

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Photo: Grace Kelly, Detail of pressed collage “to capture the mood of a summer’s day” with poppies, buttercups, and wild grasses, n.d.